Kairos! Join me in this divine moment on the day of Venus to sink into the depths, bliss & magi of this exquisite Pisces New Moon. We will cast our spells. We will dream! This is a VERY special New Moon which anchors in this nodal shift & the next 18 months, so we will not only be diving into the New Moon energy & doing some manifesting, but we will also unpack the nodes. I have lots to share! The North Node is also exactly conjunct Neptune (the New Moons ruler) for the final time ever in Pisces! This is SUBLIME! From here on in they continue to grow wider apart! This is a Tanzanite journey as the New Moon falls on the day of Tanzanite, Angelic Messenger. This honestly couldn't be MORE PERFECT for a Pisces lunation. I will of course be sharing Tanzanite medicine & if you want to purchase some Tanzanite Liquid Crystal to begin on this Pisces New Moon please email me ASAP guidedfromwithinaustralia@gmail.com Limited stock available. Extra cost is $35 for the liquid crystal & post. Post only available in Australia & cut off for post/orders will be Feb 17th! The Tanzanite journey is 28 days & will take us though the Eclipse wormhole. Honestly, it's going to be magical & super supportive to the work we do on this call & during this time. I will be doing this with you! This New Moon also kicks off Eclipse season, haha, yep, Eclipse season ALREADY! Which means it's the last lunation we can do work & sorcery with until April! She's also in the very small window of all planets direct, I mean the window is 6 days & most planets are still in their shadow period BUT, still direct. It's a green light baby! Please have you chart with you, plus a candle, pen/paper & bowl of spring water. Making an altar is important so bring flowers, crystals, sacred oils & talismans that you wish to place at the feet of your altar, which is your life. If you join live, we will be IN the New Moon as it happens! Replay will be available! Compelled to bring you this class!