I am so excited to bring you my annual workshop online again this year to prepare you for all things 2024, all from the comfort of your own home. Are you ready to call in your Dragon ally darling? This online cauldron will be a magical place for you to learn all about the collective 8 year, the Dragon medicine & how that amps up the Eclipses of 2024 plus the Liquid Crystals I've channelled! Of course I will be spilling all the Astro tea for the majority of this class to help you map out the signature transits in your own natal chart!! We will be covering some rare alignments including, the Nodes of fate hitting Chiron, Jupiter meeting Uranus which only happens every 13ish years, Jupiter in Gemini, the Eclipses and more as we weave together the 2024 story! I will be dropping rad threads that I found, little tit & dates to put on your calendar! I will share these signature Astrology transits so you can personally map them out in your own birth chart to be ready to navigate these huge cosmic times. You will need to go to astro.com to bring up your natal chart to work with. Grab your coloured pens, a notebook for all the 'aha' moments, & have your printed natal chart ready to go! This is for any level of Astrology awareness as I will go over what each house represents & be sharing my screen with my own astrology chart for you to follow along & reference. There is so much content to share with you to prep you for an amazing year ahead. See you there!